Saturday, November 16, 2013



The problem with inexperienced players is they only defend and stick to the structure, and by doing so eventually such structure loses all the sieges from the enemy attacks, and the repairs that are used consume all the supplies; therefore leaving said structure empty and defenseless.

The Art of Resupplying

The smart player always has supplies but once such players uses the supply what does he doe?  Such player resupplies; so said player is always ready when it is needed.  However, players can't always have supply in hand or should such player leave a group or a zerg.  It means that such player must choose when to resupply.

The following are situations in which a player should resupply from camps

1. zero supplies
2. after using supplies to rebuild and repair or build defenses
3. if in keep battle, and used siege to build but it has been destroyed, use supplies to build, and resupply
4. if dead in battle, revive get supplies from camp and run back
5. if keep has no supplies, or tower has no supplies, you can get supplies to repair and build your sieges especially if you die.

The following are situations in which a players should resupply from towers and keeps

1. When there are influx of yaks coming in and the tower or keep is full.
2. Where it's an emergency to close a door or wall and the siege breaking it is destroyed to keep the enemy in and kill them inside
3. When in case the enemy is inside and about to cap the keep, must deny supplies
4. When the commander says so.


So, don't just defend, also make sure you get supplies to repair stuff, especially when you get killed because you need to revive fast, get supplies, and come back to your team.


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