Friday, May 30, 2014

Pacing your gameplay

We all have lives outside of the game, and for those who study or work, if you're like me, then you have allocated time for these activities.  However, I will not assume we're the same; so I'll share a few tricks I've developed in order to make real life time and gaming time easier.  Because I fear there comes a time where players get exhausted because of failing to plan their times ahead.

How do we make our schedule easier in order to play and enjoy the game?

1. Find a friend who plays at the same timzeone as you.  You only need 1 or 2 friends to enjoy the game, and they will determine your enjoyment for the rest of your gw2 life.  Yes, because we can only have a few meaningful relationship, as long as you and your friend play together, you will find something to do.  It might be pve, or pvp, or wvw, or eotm, but it's always fun to have someone to share your lootbags.

2. Find an activity in game where you can play alone.  Because there are times when our buddies are offline or we're loners at heart - like me, so there will be activities where we can enjoy the game.  Mine is roaming gw2 - not only in wvw but also in pve.  I enjoy the environment and it's fun to your own thing outside of the game and interact with the monsters/npcs.

3. Join a guild.  You have 5 guild slots; so you can filter out the guilds who are willing to accept you and join their community.  It's fun to be with people of the same mindset, but don't force your thoughts into them, simply suggest and accept if they don't see things your way.

4. 48/12.  In an hour - enjoy playing the game for 48 minutes and then rest for the next 12 minutes.  This means you can pace yourself, and not burn out.  This is how I do in work, school, and gaming.  I play 48 minutes straight and then rest for 12.  In the end of the day I accomplish more than I should, making it easier to keep going.

5. Enjoy failing.  There are activities worth doing, and learning from.  So, if you fail at it learn to see it in a different light and solve it.  My way is to redifine the problem by writing it out where I seek to figure out an easier way to do it.  Try this simple trick - and you will be amazed on how good you are.


You're Rebel War God, sov.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

WVW Map Strategies: Basic

Pressure is everything.  The team w/c forces the enemy to defend may allocate a team of 10-15 to attack a different target, take camps for ensured supply for the pressuring zerg, or defend a counter push by manning the defensive sieges in the map.  However, because most players focus too much on one side they forget that wvw is like tpvp.  There are many targets and the enemy can't be at all places at once, and may only be able to defend locations w/c are important to them.

So, if you're server is having this problem; find a solution.  One of w/c is to communicate and work together, and apply the 15 havok and zerg combo.  This is the easier way to win in each map.  Because it is simple and easy; it will be easy to teach.

What about players who do their own thing?  What can I say, non-team players will enjoy the game in their own way, but you know deep down they are the reason why your team lost.

o/  Keep playing wvw and have fun.