Friday, May 30, 2014

Pacing your gameplay

We all have lives outside of the game, and for those who study or work, if you're like me, then you have allocated time for these activities.  However, I will not assume we're the same; so I'll share a few tricks I've developed in order to make real life time and gaming time easier.  Because I fear there comes a time where players get exhausted because of failing to plan their times ahead.

How do we make our schedule easier in order to play and enjoy the game?

1. Find a friend who plays at the same timzeone as you.  You only need 1 or 2 friends to enjoy the game, and they will determine your enjoyment for the rest of your gw2 life.  Yes, because we can only have a few meaningful relationship, as long as you and your friend play together, you will find something to do.  It might be pve, or pvp, or wvw, or eotm, but it's always fun to have someone to share your lootbags.

2. Find an activity in game where you can play alone.  Because there are times when our buddies are offline or we're loners at heart - like me, so there will be activities where we can enjoy the game.  Mine is roaming gw2 - not only in wvw but also in pve.  I enjoy the environment and it's fun to your own thing outside of the game and interact with the monsters/npcs.

3. Join a guild.  You have 5 guild slots; so you can filter out the guilds who are willing to accept you and join their community.  It's fun to be with people of the same mindset, but don't force your thoughts into them, simply suggest and accept if they don't see things your way.

4. 48/12.  In an hour - enjoy playing the game for 48 minutes and then rest for the next 12 minutes.  This means you can pace yourself, and not burn out.  This is how I do in work, school, and gaming.  I play 48 minutes straight and then rest for 12.  In the end of the day I accomplish more than I should, making it easier to keep going.

5. Enjoy failing.  There are activities worth doing, and learning from.  So, if you fail at it learn to see it in a different light and solve it.  My way is to redifine the problem by writing it out where I seek to figure out an easier way to do it.  Try this simple trick - and you will be amazed on how good you are.


You're Rebel War God, sov.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

WVW Map Strategies: Basic

Pressure is everything.  The team w/c forces the enemy to defend may allocate a team of 10-15 to attack a different target, take camps for ensured supply for the pressuring zerg, or defend a counter push by manning the defensive sieges in the map.  However, because most players focus too much on one side they forget that wvw is like tpvp.  There are many targets and the enemy can't be at all places at once, and may only be able to defend locations w/c are important to them.

So, if you're server is having this problem; find a solution.  One of w/c is to communicate and work together, and apply the 15 havok and zerg combo.  This is the easier way to win in each map.  Because it is simple and easy; it will be easy to teach.

What about players who do their own thing?  What can I say, non-team players will enjoy the game in their own way, but you know deep down they are the reason why your team lost.

o/  Keep playing wvw and have fun.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sov Ciel's Warrior Build and Sov Athena's Guardian Build


Strengths:  High HP pool, tanky, mobile, Moderate CC, Moderate Damage, good stun breaker, and good condition removal.

Weakness:  Jack of all trades.

Ciel's Shield Warrior Build

Your main purpose in the team is to stop the enemy, and by doing so your team will kill them.  You also aim to contest in the circle by dodging around and surviving inside.  You also get the most stomps for being able to hold your own.

Alternative change, you can use dodge march and warhorn instead of shield for speed buffs, but it's safe to use shield in my opinion when fighting in zergs.

A good combination to try is to walk to the enemy cast your skill 3 from your hammer, and then change to your sword/shield, and then cast flurry, shield bash, and then skill 3 sword for the kill.

Your main weapon will most likely be the sword and shield, and your back up weapon will be the hammer.


Strengths: Easy sustain, tanky, team support, superior CC, average stun breaks, average damage.

Weakness: Easy to burst, low HP pool, average mobility, and low movement speed.

Athena's Team Guardian Build

Your main purpose is to cast buffs on your team, heal them, take away the negative conditions, and to CC the enemy while casting stability to the team.

Everyone will love your buffs, and will want to party you.  You will seldom die and will be epic at surviving, however because you are not fast at running you will most likely get killed if you're caught offguard.


It has been a long time since I've updated this because of work, but I still find time to play every now and then.  I do hope you like the changes.  I've tried and tested these builds and they're awesome.  Now take time to edit it according to your liking, and I do hope you enjoy gw2 and play with us at TC.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dancing with the zergs for melees and range basic.

Here's a few basic tips you should know in order to dance with the zerg properly.

  • Saffron bread
  • leaping skills
  • sigil of energy for dodging
  • situational awareness.
Why saffron bread? Because zergs usually have stunners, and if you're stunned it'll be painful, but with saffron you'll have 20% reduction on enemy damage as well as constant -20% condition duration. It is a cheap food but does the job.
Why leaping skills? Because when engaging to or from the enemy you will need some form of mobility to reach them or get away from them; so leap skills come into play of which will allow you to get behind or away from the enemy zerg front lines.
Why sigil of energy? Because this sigil, for a few seconds cooldown allows you to double dodge against the enemy's attacks. What won't hit you makes you stronger.
Why situational awareness? Because if you know what to do, you can react and do the right thing without panicking and survive. I recorded this video with my run with the mailed fist crew and you will see my dodging, leaping, moving around safely against the enemy zerg. Try it. It's easy to do this alone but leading a few people to do it isn't easy which is why I wrote this and made the video; so everyone in our server can dance with the zergs safely and kill the enemy without fear.

The first video is for melee and the second is for range players. The basics are similar except when it comes to range it's better to dodge around at the edges rather than jump in the middle, and let your damage hit where the melee players are.

As a range player it's best not do stomp the enemy, instead use your range to nip their hp to the defeated state.

I usually run with my fist krewe. We train together but we also accept anyone who's willing to run with us. No team composition necessary just learning about how to play your character based on the melee or range zerg dancer's template. Give me a pm if you see us running havoc.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Survivability and Dancing in the Rim of Fire

In my video you will see me do the basics in countering the enemy zerg and they are the following:

1. Double dodge to their back - this is the best way to avoid their push, and while here my team tries to kill the enemy backline.

2. Stability - either from personal skill or team stability from your guardian party friend, this allows you to get away from most stumbler skills, or those that stop you.

3. Immobilization - be careful of these because they must be condition cleansed.

4. Don't fear the numbers - because once you know what you're doing, you can kite the enemy easily.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

No need for Credit

Doing the Work

I find players seeking glory to be detrimental in the wvw community.  These players will help only if you give credit to them; so if you do not, they will do their own thing.  But they are still a part of the community; so instead of not giving them credit, ideally, take time to give recognition to all the players who help.

The Extra Effort

You and I know that grinding a bit more secures success in real life as well as in games; so do not fear the work of your life which is giving a bit more than normal, and making sure to pay attention to this minute details.  Not doing so gives chance and probability to work against you.

No Fear

You shouldn't fear map or team chat that rises or lowers the morale of players.  When someone says something against your server or things you find that might rise your player's meter, simply type something that will reset it. i.e. spies in mumble, solution, yey, let them come; so we can farm and loot some more.


WVW is war.  Do your work.  Seek no reward.  Be the guy who gives effort.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Consider Lower Tier Servers

Because PVE wise all servers are linked, having a home server is purely for purposes of WVW only.  So, if you're looking for a good community simply check different servers out.  It will cost gems or gold on your part but it's worth it.

If you're looking to win, check the 2nd best server out there and join the fun and help them win the crown.

If you're looking for a good adventure and have guildmates willing to change with you, 5-10, then choose lower tiered servers, then you'll have much fun doing roaming/gvgs.  lower tiered servers have great skilled players worth checking out versus higher tiered servers w/c rely more on numbers and gold.

It will take time to determine where you'd like to be and it won't be cheap; so better prepare the cash. WVW gear.  And grinding for gold.

If you're a working person like me, then you can only play hardcore probably once or twice a week.  It's best to set your pace as such, and enjoy gw2 without being forced to play like you used to.

The best test of which server to be in is if such server you have a friend to play with.  Someone who seeks out to party you and play with you in game.  If your current server doesn't have this, then seek that friend.  Else, it's time to play elsewhere.

Solo mode? Go play rpgs and consoles.  MMO's is all about communities and chats and voips. :3



A simple build.  Team CC and pretty tanky. :3

I took out the infusions part since the build crafter is still problematic.

An Improvement on Gw2

Stuff I Think GW2 Team Needs to Fix

1. Party system.  You cannot kick an offline player in wvw.
2. Server lag.  The game still has such a huge game spike w/c makes builds changed to that which can tank and survive skill 1's and rely on regen.
3. Story mode not repeatable.  You can only repeat a story if you remake a character or make a new one.  Once finished, it's over.  Game lacks repeatability value unless you've got good friends to play with.

I do hope this year they can fix this. :3
